Self-Service Design

Beautiful, robust and customizable






Industrial Design

How it looks, feels and works

We bridge physical and digital worlds. To enable and facilitate a physical being’s experience with the digital realm, we have to consider quite a few things. Aesthetics, usability and ergonomics as well as manufacturability, maintainability and more. 

Industrial Design is a discipline and expertise in which all of these factors considered, processed and delivered in an creative and innovative way. 

UX & UI Design

Back & front of digital experience

The digital realm is boundless, flexible and connected. After bringing users into this space, we have to consider several design factors to maintain usefulness and joy of 

the user experience. Learnability and usability as well as aesthetics, ergonomics, and more. User experience Design and User Interface Design are disciplines in which all of those factors explored, processed and delivered in an iterative and progressive way. 

Service Design

Intangible yet essential

Since self-service solutions are at forefront of service chains, it is almost impossible not to consider and design the newly added service channel. We explore physical evidences, customer actions, front-stage actions, backstage actions and support processes. 

Design Process

Double diamond framework

We acquired the universally accepted Double Diamond model. It streams the problem through double diverging and converging stages to discover, define, develop and finally deliver the final solution. During this stages we empathise, define, ideate, prototype and test during some iterative processes. 

Design Tools

Methods we usually use for design and develop

Custom Design

Various accessories and modules

Self-service design is not limited to body, apps and service. There are a whole area of possibilities in technical  modules and technologies. Customised set of computing silicons, displays and printers are as imperative to define a self-service product as well as various types of scanners, payment modules and accessories. 





Our story!


How to start?

We will send you a quotation

We are a UK based company who design and implement self-service products and projects for almost a decade.


London, UK

+44 7789 902316

2022 | Copyright belong to Moonshire LTD